Thursday, March 5, 2009

Assignment 3

There were several inconsistencies in the initial photo story, and cos it's nearing exams, I couldn't ask my friend to pose for me again. =x

This time round I made use of figurines lying around at home. And lots and lots of Photoshop. o.O considering I use Illustrator most of the time. But this assignment has really allowed me to improve my Photoshop skills. lol.

Original photos were taken against a white background. For example:

Some pictures were used as originally taken, but other were given a background, as having a white background for the entire story would be plain. I decided to then create grass for the little Kung Fu boy. Googled on a tutorial, and then created my own grass! It wasn't as difficult as I thought: layers, lots of different filters, and then we get grass.

The story is as follows (click to enlarge):

There are dream-like sequences in the story. From frame 2 to 6, the pictures suddenly become quite blurry. This is to let known that the character has entered into his dream. The dream effect was done through duplicate layers, gaussian blur and then changing the blending mode of the layers. Shadow was also dropped on the character to make it look more realistic.

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